Spring is well and truly upon us, and people are out walking enjoying the warmer days. As I move around the electorate, I often wonder about the history of some of the street names. This website has the answers … Christchurch streets map (christchurchcitylibraries.com)
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to increase awareness about the importance of early detection and annual prostate checks. I encourage you to get tested or encourage someone you know to be tested. It is NZ’s most commonly diagnosed cancer (apart from skin cancers) in New Zealand.
Men over 50 should be tested at least every one to two years. The PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test is used as an initial screening tool, usually ordered by a GP, and can be done in conjunction with other routine blood tests.
I have started a series of surveys around various areas of the electorate starting with Riccarton. Hearing directly from you about the issues that matter to you most is incredibly valuable. I have sent letters around the area but if you missed out, please click on the link to fill it out https://forms.office.com/r/C9nSyYBK93
I regularly send out, and sometimes hand deliver, letters to Ilam residents celebrating significant birthdays and anniversaries. If you know of someone celebrating such an event, please let me know and I’ll send them a card hamish.campbell@parliament.govt.nz
August has been very busy among other things, I’ve held five full clinics, visited four more Ilam schools, rest homes, community groups and businesses. I’ve spoken to Rotary, the Taiwan AGM, Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Residents’ Association and a UC POLS group. I’ve also started a new regular column in the Star and have two electronic billboards up.
In August Health Minister Dr Shane Reti announced the delivery of a long overdue Emergency Observation Unit for Christchurch Hospital that will reduce admissions, free up valuable resources across the hospital and help deliver on shorter stays in Emergency Departments. A dedicated unit will allow Christchurch ED staff to assess patients more safely, efficiently and comfortably while reducing overcrowding in the ED, which is better for patient care and better for staff.
Transport Minister Simeon Brown announced a record $32.9b investment in New Zealand’s transport network through the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme. This will create a more reliable and efficient transport network that boosts economic growth and productivity. This includes progressing work on a second Ashburton Bridge as a Road of Regional Significance and will also replace the important Pages Road Bridge in Christchurch as a local road project.

Chatting with Kiaros Food Rescue at the Go Green Expo www.kairosfoodrescue.org.nz

Speaking to the UC POLS students

With my wife Carol at the Court Theatre

With MP Vanessa Weenink at the Hospitality Awards

Visiting the UC Biomolecular Interactive Centre Biomolecular Interaction Centre | University of Canterbury
THE MONTH AHEAD ... September
The Fendalton library will be closed from Monday 23 September until Sunday 17 November while Christchurch City Council refurbishes the building.
The service centre, including NZ Post Plus services, will remain open as normal, although visitors will not have access to bathroom facilities. The library’s carpark is also unavailable for use during the closure period.
For those wanting to find the nearest alternative libraries there are the Bishopdale Library, Papanui Library and Upper Riccarton Library.
With the warmer weather we are delivering more leaflets and letters around the Ilam electorate. If this is something you are able to assist with, please email me and we’ll add you to the list.
Kind regards,
Hamish Campbell
Office Address: Fendalton Village, 5/376 Ilam Road (cnr Ilam/Clyde Rds).
Phone: 03 3593665